Bakery Display Assembly Instructions

How to set up

Need some help? Watch the Bakery Display video below and follow the step-by-step assembly instructions! Everything you need is included in the package!
Scroll down and watch our assembly video.

Need some help? Watch the Bakery Display video below and follow the step-by-step assembly instructions! Everything you need is included in the package!
Scroll down and watch our assembly video.

Assembly Instructions

Step 1

2 x side panels (1)
1 x bottom panel with magnets (3)
6 x normal screws (D)
& 1 x screwdriver

Connect the bottom panel (3) with the two side panels (1). Secure them together using D-screws. Repeat the same step on the other side

Step 2

1 x top panel (2)
6 x normal screws (D)
Flip the display over and attach the top panel (2),
using 6 x D-screws.

Step 3

1 x back panel (4)
4 x normal screws (D)
Rotate the display to the customer-facing side and connect the back panel (4), using 4 x D-screws.

Step 4

2 x doors with pre-attached hinges (5)
& 2 x door handles (A)
8 x mini screws ( C )
Install the door handles to both panels (5), using 4 x D-screws

Step 5

Connect the two door panels (5) to the side panels (1), using 8 x mini C-screws for the hinges.
NB! Make sure the magnets of the door match at the bottom
The hinges are pre-installed to the door panels.

Step 6

3 x removable trays
6 x reusable black labels
1 x white marker
1 x serving tong  6. 
Slide in the trays.